Heartburn Relief

13 Proven Ways To Heartburn Relief Without Medications

Heartburn is a condition that causes acid to flow back into the food pipe (esophagus) and then into the throat.

It occurs when you eat food items that are too hot, too cold, fatty, or acidic, leading to a burning sensation in your chest. When you suffer from heartburn would be much better to try natural remedies instead of medications.

Many people avoid medications because of possible side effects and the cost. Heartburn itself is a symptom of a more serious problem, such as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), which can lead to more serious conditions if it is not dealt with.

In this article, you will be learning about some of the simple home remedies that could help with heartburn relief.

13 Proven Ways To Heartburn Relief

So many people are searching for better and safer heartburn relief remedies that work. Here are 13 natural remedies for heartburn to prevent or treat this unpleasant condition so you can enjoy a symptom-free day.

1. Use Water With Baking Soda For Heartburn Relief

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is one of the most common remedies for heartburn. It has a neutral pH and is easily absorbed into the body, which means it can work your stomach and help eliminate heartburn quickly.

The water in baking soda helps to promote the flow of digestive acids, which help digest food and prevent indigestion.

You can place about one tablespoon of baking soda into a glass of water to bring the pH level down closer to neutral, which will be more effective.

However, you should avoid using too much baking soda at one time because it can lead to an overproduction of acid in the stomach, which is actually what you are trying to avoid.

2. Try  To Eat Ripe Banana

Bananas have high levels of potassium, which helps to prevent heartburn. Potassium is a key player in maintaining the body’s acid levels.

It works by neutralizing the acid in your stomach and getting rid of any extra acid before it reaches your esophagus. You could eat a ripe banana daily, or you could eat a banana when you feel heartburn coming on.

Green bananas are also good if they are ripe, so use the ones that taste sweetest to you. Unripe bananas can be more difficult to digest. If you ate something hard to digest triggers heartburn more likely.

3. Chew A Gum May Help

Chewing gum helps to promote saliva production, and saliva contains chemicals that can help neutralize heartburn acid.

Saliva has a pH level range of 6.2 to 7.6 which can be considered alkaline. Alkaline will help to neutralize the acidity levels of your stomach.

The chewing helps to stimulate saliva production, and if you can get the condition under control before swallowing any food, you will prevent it from reaching your esophagus.

However, you should only chew one or two pieces at a time, because excessive chewing can lead to gum disease. You should also avoid too much sugary gum or gum with additives because they can cause cavities and tooth decay.

4. Drink Water With Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a great heartburn remedy because it has anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties. Apple cider vinegar can help to promote the production of digestive juices and act as a deterrent to bacterial infections.

It can also kill off bad bacteria which are known to cause heartburn by creating an environment that is toxic to them.

You can use apple cider vinegar in several different ways, such as drinking a glass of water with one teaspoon in it or dipping your finger into vinegar and swabbing under your tongue for relief.

5. Elevate Your Body When Sleeping

Sleeping with your upper body elevated is an excellent way to get rid of heartburn. When you sleep with your head lower than your chest, the acid from your stomach has a harder time traveling back up the esophagus and into your throat.

You can elevate your body in several ways. For example, you can use bed wedges, but you should use them only as directed by your doctor.

You could also try putting pillows under your head and shoulders to prop you up a little bit. Another option is to sleep with a wedge pillow that supports your upper body properly and can be purchased at most retailers.

6. Avoid Smoking

Smoking is never good for your health in any way, shape, or form, so it’s no surprise that smoking is bad for heartburn relief because of the nicotine in cigarettes.

Cigarettes can cause acid reflux by increasing the acid in your stomach, and their nicotine can irritate the lining of your esophagus.

You should also avoid using hot tobacco smoke because this will increase heartburn due to the burning pain. If you would like to enjoy a smoke, you should use one that is not too dry and has no additives, such as a filtered cigarette.

7. Reduce Your Stress

Stress can cause heartburn because of the high levels of stress hormones in your body. Once these hormones are released into your bloodstream, they will begin to neutralize the acid by leaving it in the stomach.

When you feel anxious or stressed out, you should try to relax and avoid smoking or drinking.

Stress causes acid to build up in your stomach by increasing the acid production in your stomach, so you should try to de-stress yourself by exercising and going for a walk.

You can also talk to a friend or family member that you can trust and talk it out. If you feel so much stress that you cannot relax, you should speak to your doctor about your concerns.

8. Eat Small Meals Slowly

Many people are not aware that they can be serious heartburn triggers. One of the worst things you could do is eat too quickly because this will cause you to swallow more air, which creates more acid in your stomach.

When you chew properly, you will release saliva into your stomach to neutralize the acid and digest food better. You should also avoid eating large meals late at night because this increases heartburn.

After all, your body is unable to digest all that food before bedtime. There is also a higher likelihood that your stomach will be empty, which increases the risk of heartburn.

9. Avoid Late Meals

Eating and going to bed within a few hours of each other leads to heartburn because the food sits in your stomach and digests while you are sleeping.

When you go to bed with a full stomach, you will become more likely to experience acid reflux and heartburn. You should eat all the food before 8 pm to avoid this issue.

You should also try to avoid overeating, or at least make sure that all your meals are balanced and ready for digestion by the time you are going to bed.

10. Try To Wear Loose Clothes

Clothes that are too tight can increase heartburn for several reasons. If your shirt is close to your throat, it will not allow you to move around freely, which can cause you to swallow more air.

Tight clothes will also make your stomach push up against the esophagus, which is never good for heartburn.

If you want to avoid heartburn, you should try to wear loose clothes that do not impede circulation or cause too much pressure on your stomach.

11. Try To Avoid Trigger Foods

Sometimes, certain foods and drinks can cause severe acid reflux.

Certain types of food and drinks, such as alcoholic beverages, chocolate, caffeine-filled drinks such as coffee or sodas, tomato water (tomato juice and water), mayonnaise (mustard dressing), fried foods, carbonated beverages, acidic fruits and vegetables (cabbage juice), carbonated soft drinks with a lot of sugar in them (Soda with lots of sugar is full of gas bubbles.

These bubbles are the cause of acid reflux.), and spicy foods (peppers and jalapenos) can lead to heartburn. So, you should try to avoid these foods as much as possible.

12. Maintain A Healthy Weight

If you are overweight, you can develop acid reflux because of the amount of abdominal pressure that is put on your esophagus.

Excess weight in your abdominal area puts pressure on the stomach and esophagus and can cause acid reflux by putting too much pressure on those areas.

You should lose weight if this happens. You should also eat smaller meals instead of 3 to 4 big meals a day to help prevent overeating which can cause heartburn.

13. Drink Alkaline Water

Drinking alkaline water can help you to avoid heartburn by diluting your stomach acid and by maintaining the pH balance in your body.

If you drink alkaline water, you will be able to neutralize excess acid in your stomach because this water will keep the pH balance in your body. Alkaline water can help you to stay hydrated and can be purchased at almost any retailer.

Take Away

If you want something that can help with heartburn relief, you should consider trying the above-discussed heartburn remedies as a part of your daily routine.

Not only will these remedies help you to prevent the pain of heartburn, but they can also help you to maintain a healthy lifestyle and digestive system.

You should also make sure to follow the tips provided in this article whenever possible. Please note this is not a medical opinion, these are just home remedies that may help for temporary heartburn relief.

If these home remedies do not help heartburn relief, we highly recommend that you speak with your doctor about your heartburn concerns.

Medical professionals such as Doctors and Nurses will be able to provide you with a proper treatment plan that is suitable for your condition.

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